Small Groups
Whether you're looking for a Bible Study to join or just a
group of awesome people to hang out with, check out our small groups
and get involved!
January Study Series:
Identity: Who God is and who He Created You To Become.
What: Have you ever had trouble discerning what God wants you to do with your life? This study series focuses on what our Catholic theology has to say about who God is and what you are supposed to do with your life. Each Thursday through January we will look at a different aspect of our true identity: as believers in God, in Jesus Christ, in His Church, and in our commission to become saints.
Join us for a few or all of the evenings! Come as you are! (Oh yeah, did we say it was free?)
When: Every Thursday Night in January.
Contact: Email us at for more information.
Anything Else: This is a beginners course, so don't worry if you have not had any advanced studies in theology -- we have, we have the student loans to prove it, and we've got you covered ;-)
Bible Study -- Young Adult
What: A Bible Study for Young Adults. We'll be working our way through salvation history as we see how God has revealed Himself in both the Old and New Testaments. Don't worry, we promise to make this exciting!
When: Sunday nights in January and February.
Contact: Email and we'll send you the information about the studies in the area.
Anything Else? Yes, actually. Don't be intimidated. You don't need to be an expert to join! This is for all levels.
Difference Makers -- Volunteer Small Group
What: A small group of people looking to make a difference in their community and beyond. Currently, this group is planning a missions trip to Central America for the summer of 2017. But there is always something in the works -- both local and international. Check them out to learn more!
When: Meeting times vary.
Contact: Email for more information.
Anything Else? If you have ideas for volunteer opportunities or community partnerships, this group would love to hear how they can help!