It's your turn.

"Do you not say, 'There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest." 
- John 4:35

It is your turn. 


I'm talking to you. Now. 

As Catholic-Christians our story is rich with history. With lives of the saints and theology, liturgy, and prayers. All of that is good. But don't lose sight of the remarkable reality of your life at THIS moment in history.  

You have a mission to do. That's why you're here. It's your turn.  

In fact, you were placed, intentionally, at this moment in history (HIS-story) for a specific reason, to carry out a specific life of love and joy and heroic virtuousness. God gave you talents to use and gifts to give to the world. How are you using them to share His Light with the world? 

This is your life. Your un-rewritable, unrepeatable, only-chance-you-get life. It's your turn at love. Go do something with it. 

Stop binge watching seasons of smutty television on Netflix. Stop scrolling through your social media feed in your spare time. Stop sitting on the sidelines, being a passive player in this cosmic love story in which God decided to give you a major role -- Go be a saint. Go love courageously. Go pray deeply. Go enter into this one opportunity you have to participate in Life itself. 

Now. Go.

It's your turn.