It is my opinion that everyone should write, everyday.
The process of putting your thoughts on paper brings clarity to an otherwise jumbled and confusing life at times.
Writing is physical -- it takes time. In a world getting more and more instantaneous, we need time to process, discern, discover, and prepare our hearts for what God is trying to tell us.
Writing makes us observe the world around us, too. What would you do if you stuck to a writing schedule where everyday you shared something beautiful with the world?
You would pay attention.
You would process.
You would discover that even though we move so quickly through our day to day tasks, the world is filled with a type of deep beauty only realized by the attentive soul.
If you feel like your world is moving ahead of your ability to keep up with it, try taking 10 minutes each morning to jot down something beautiful, something you observed, something deep.
You won't regret it.