It has become my opinion that perfection is held it much too high of a regard in our culture. We polish and shine, proof and get permission, touch-up and distill down our work so much that it becomes a beautiful piece of work. Once everyone is happy with our work/art/life/projects/opinions, then we reveal them to the world.
But I want rough, jagged-edges, spilled-my-coffee-on-the-cover-page-but-going-to-turn-it-in-anyways types of lives. Those are the ones I identify with. Those are the types of people that really inspire me. Not the perfect lives, but the lives working imperfectly towards perfection.
Practice. Risk. Failure. Perseverance.
Dare greatly.
Work your butt off.
If you fail, learn from it.
Get up and try again.
Struggle towards some holy and great vision.
Don't worry about being perfect. Instead, be faithful. Be good. Be courageous with your faith.